Experiencing: Ragdale 3

This chapter of Private Experiencing is done exclusively on the floor. There is some rolling back to side to front. There is some movement on the front, directing the arms and legs and lifting the head.

  • This experience is intended to be private. Do it when you are alone in a space where you have enough room to move around. We recommend doing it in the evening with the lights dim or off.
  • Wear clothing that doesn’t restrict movement and let the bare bottoms of your feet touch the floor. If you wear glasses, take them off. Silence your phone so you are not interrupted.
  • This is only for your personal experience. There is no need to push your range of motion, effort, or safety.
  • Any emotional or affective responses you have are for you alone. There is no need to suppress them, control them, or to stop moving. Whatever your experience, you can continue moving in a way that feels comfortable to you.